WORKSHOP 03/06/21
Understand different parts of your business, how they interact and uncover new opportunities and strategies.
If you’re improving an existing business or launching something new, you’re facing one big challenge. How do you build a strong, profitable business that can compete in today’s market?
In this hands-on workshop, your key take-aways will be:
A map of your business model, so you can clearly articulate how does your business works
Business models can be quite complex, as they require an understanding of different areas and how these areas interact. In the first part of the workshop, we will quickly map your model, so you have a one page map of exactly how you create and capture value.
Add at least 1 new creative model for your current business, and a framework that can be applied multiple times to improve and capture new opportunities
Once you know how your business looks like, it’s time to make it better! The main exercise for this workshop will guide you through a very practical exercise to look at your business from different perspectives and identify new ideas and strategies for improvement.
Isabelle Goldfarb, BetterLabs
Passionate about leading and implementing projects that empower people and promote change, Isabelle has over 10 years of experience as an Entrepreneur, Consultant and Lecturer. Currently Innovation Product Manager at Better Labs, she is leading the identification, incubation and commercialisation of new products and services to pioneer a sustainable future for RAC.
Learn more about BetterLabs here.