Maywokka Chapman
Wawul and Jiman
Wawul and Jiman are two water sources in close proximity to one another at the south east border of the Karlamily region. The sites fall within Mayiwalku’s ngurra (home Country, camp), an area she traversed extensively as a young child with her family. During the pujiman (desert dwelling, nomadic) period, the survival of Aboriginal people living in Australia’s harsh arid zones depended on their knowledge of the location of thousands of life sustaining water bodies through the desert, encompassing even the the location of subterranean waterways. These water sources included rockholes, claypans, soaks and springs. Seasonally, small family groups would move from place to place depending on the availability of food and water. In her account Mayiwalku also refers to jawirli, one of the few types of bush fruits that comprised part of the pujiman diet. The fruit is extremely high in vitamin C, and can be consumed either raw or cooked. The root has strong antibacterial qualities, and as such was prepared as a type of bush medicine in the treatment of skin ailments.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 45.5cm x 180cm
Region: Pilbara, Spinifex Hill Studio