Juluwarlu Art Group

Juluwarlu Art Group is a collective of Yindjibarndi artists who celebrate Yindjibarndi Country, culture and language through a diverse range of artistic practices. The collective is based in Ieramagadu (Roebourne), a town of approximately 900 people which is located in the remote north-western Pilbara region of Western Australia, while the ancestral homeland of the artists, Yindjibarndi Country, surrounds the nearby Millstream Tablelands and Fortescue River area.

The art group is part of Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal Corporation (JGAC), an Aboriginal owned and governed organisation that is dedicated to preserving, recording and promoting the culture of Yindjibarndi people. JGAC’s work spans multiple platforms, and includes an archive that is nationally-recognised, broadcast media, language preservation, cultural mapping, documentary production, on-Country trips and, more recently, art-making.