“Over the past three years, I led the Junction’s artistic excellence program, a raft of development activities that address the challenges faced by regional creative practitioners: how to write successful grant applications, seminars exploring arts sector trends, issues and solutions, technical skills workshops, art critique forums, training videos and opportunities to exhibit experimental work. I’m excited about the COMPASS program as it wraps all these learnings into one; regional artists reflect their region’s unique experiences and narratives, and it provides COMPASS creative practitioners with the tools to harness and unleash their expertise.”

Elisa Trifunoski, Regional Curator

The COMPASS course launched as part of the Radius public program, with six online sessions and supporting resources: What it means to be a regional artist (Jacky Cheng), Strategise and Organise: Implementing systems (Katie Evans), Working on Country: Ethics and Values (Shandell Cummings), Your work: What is it and why is it relevant? (Erin Coates), Communication and building your practice (Elise Batchelor), Relationships: Building your professional network and establishing your place within your artistic community (Jacky Cheng and Belinda Cook). COMPASS develops critical areas that form a more holistic and artistic practice outside of creating.