Every year I look forward to the main selling markets for Porstide Soap, especially the Christmas Market. We were also honoured to be selected to attend the Big Design Market (though unfortunately COVID prevented us from taking part). The Portside Twilight Festival was magical; I loved sharing with customers how the soap range is hand-poured in small batches directly from the Junction’s soap studio, and uses high quality, natural and ethically sourced ingredients making it ideal for all skin types. Experiencing the vibe as a stallholder, and with my maker peers, was inspiring, especially seeing how the community value locally made products.”

Melanie Neville, Production Officer

In partnership with an energetic group of businesses and community organisations, the Junction coordinates Hedland’s Portside Town Team to create a common, positive narrative and identity for the West End, encourage longer visitation to the area, and build a sense of community among our neighbours and broader community. Portside initiatives include the Twilight Christmas Markets, movies, live music, localised activities, and capacity-building tools.