The Jury Art Prize had so many highlights in one single event: having Tui Raven, Bruno Booth and Belinda Cook judge the Prize and announce the winners during a livestream was thrilling; seeing the crowds try and get their face ‘on tv’and share their favourite artist; having artwork accessible via audiodescriptions; guiding the Junction team to deliver this premium artprize to audiences across the globe, and a celebrationto match; and, regional artists from across theState submitting their artwork with very few barriers made me very excited for the future of this growing regional arts prize.”

Valeria Scoponi, Courthouse Gallery+Studio Manager

The Jury Art Prize is Western Australia’s most innovative regional art prize. Providing a platform for regional WA artists to tell authentic stories of their communities to Australia, the Prize offers a diversity of opportunity and career acknowledgement. Utilising unique ways to connect audiences with the finalist artworks, the Prize provides accessible ways audiences can connect and engage with the very best artworks from regional WA.


In 2022, 49 finalists from across Western Australia reflected the exceptional creative talents that continue to grow and thrive in regional and remote communities. Finalists were selected from all regions (except Perth) and included painting, photography, sculpture, and mixed media from Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists. The judging panel consisted of artist Bruno Booth, arts and cultural management consultant Belinda Cook, and arts consultant and curator Tui Raven. 

Being asked to judge the Jury Art Prize at The Courthouse Gallery + Studio in Port Hedland was a fantastic experience. The exhibition is a high point in the regional arts calendar and the calibre of work from the artists involved is breathtaking.”  

Bruno Booth 

Inclusion and accessibility was a priority for the Prize, engaging DADAA to provide audio descriptions of 15 artworks for visually impaired community members.